Garrulous Goshawks

A large part of my job working on the Routt National Forest is working on the goshawk monitoring program.  Goshawks are a forest accipiter; they are imporant predators and play a key role in forest food-web dynamics.  Goshawks are sensitive to environmental change, and as such, are used as biological indicators for resource management.  Part of my job is to monitor known goshawk nests and discover new ones.  Here are some photos from my goshawk adventures...

Colorful Colorado

The summer of 2012 finds me in the quaint little town of Walden, Colorado (population: 600).  I will spend the mild mountain summer working for the US Forest Service doing wildlife surveying and monitoring in relation to forest projects.  Colorado is absolutely beautiful and I am happy to be experiencing nature in a different part of the country!

Hill creek- near where we found a goshawk nest with 2 downy nestlings :)

 Indian paintbrush

Top of a ridge on one of our study sites...what a view!

Northern leopard frog

 Columbine, Colorado's state flower

 Red squirrel

 Broad-tailed hummingbird

Me at an abandoned Ranger cabin

 House wren

My favorite picture so far :)


 A radiant blue damselfly

Baby red-tailed hawks